Yul Wins!


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  • Yul 63%
  • Ozzy 24%
  • Parvati 7%
  • Adam 5%
  • No one else received votes

The tribe has spoken, and there is one less castaway on the island. Who went home this week?

(Final Three)

(Final Three)

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury




How come every season we get at least one person that just decides to give up. I mean, the odds are so far against you that you will even MAKE the show, that if you are lucky enough to get picked, you should give it all that you have every day to try and win that prize. Last week Stephannie offered herself up to go, and for whatever reason her tribe didn't take her up on it. And then this week, all she had to do was stay quiet and go with the flow of the tribe, and she wouldn't have been touched. But instead she starts hinting she'd like to go home and get some mashed potatoes? Huh? Girl, you've got your whole life for mashed potatoes. When are you going to be in the running for a million dollars again? Oh, whatever... go home, enjoy your taters and gravy. I hope they're worth it!

You may have been surprised, J.P., that you were sent home. But that whole strategy of reclining back by the fire and telling everyone else what to do, and making sure you got a daily afternoon nap... was never going to get you far in this game. And you weren't even that strong in the challenges, and actually pointed that out to you tribe during Tribal Council. Yeah, I'd have to say there are serveral things you might choose to do a little differently if you had it all to do over again. But you left with class, and without a harsh word... and that's always nice to see.

Well Cecilia, I'm not convinced there was a lot you could have done to stick around. It was just one of those things, someone had to go... and there was more fighting done on behalf of Becky than there was for you. If you know you were in such danger, I imagine you would have campaigned a little harder... but I'm not sure it would have changed things. Enjoy the rest of your time relaxing in the South Pacific!

Billy, Billy, Billy. What exactly is going on in that little head of yours? I have to say, I never saw it coming. You certainly have the distinguished honor of delivering one of the most memorable little speeches in Tribal Council history. I'm all for wearing your heart on your sleeve, but you might want to just doublecheck the fabrication factor of your love affair before you announce it to the world. Your tribemates first thought you were lazy, then they were convinced that you were crazy. Hopefully the heavy metal world will welcome you back with open arms, because I think you've spooked just about everyone else out.

Our first castaway voted off the island. Sorry Sekou, your leadership skills were viewed as lacking by your tribemates. You still went out with a smile though, with no hard feelings. And you have an amazing career and life back at home! This was just a little diversion.

Jeff, you've got to get yourself a new hat, buddy. That one that you've been wearing to all of the challenges is looking a bit ratty. Have Julie Whats-cha-ma-Berry go get one for you. People are starting to whisper that you're trying to hide some hair loss. Hey, snaps on the inmmunity challenge! It was much fun to watch 8 grown adults try and balance on a little bittie platform for the chance to continue on in your little social experiment. Let's really blow this thing out and see what people will really do for the chance to win a million dollars. Let's have some ethically questionable challenges in the last half... like, first tribe to draw blood from the other wins immunity. First tribe to eat rat poison wins immunity. Come on... it's season 13! Time to push the envelope a bit. Everyone has forgiven you for the whole racial segregation thing, they'll forgive you for putting contestants in mortal danger for the sake of ratings. I mean... eventually, anyway.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Man... Jonathan. You do realize you need votes at the end of this to actually win the million dollars, right? I mean, snaps to you for still being around. I honestly didn't expect you to be here this long, so you're obviously doing something right. But you're not making any buds, that's for sure. I have to agree with some of the bickering around the campfire. Once you start feeling comfortable in a situation, you kind of turn into a jerk. Remember wayyyy back, in the good ole' days when there were four tribes split along ethnic lines? A couple days into it, when because of your age and experience you started acting as if you were Big Man On Campus.... and then you started bitching about how everyone should get in line and build a floor for the shelter? I'm not saying that a floor wasn't a good idea, but you weren't exactly inspiring when it came to selling the idea. It was more like a direct order from a commanding officer. Only bad thing was, no one had signed up to play Army.

So, you had a few humble days when you stupidly followed Candice over during the mutiny. You quickly realized that no one really liked you, absolutely no one dared to trust you... and you did the only smart and sensible thing. You put your head down, stayed quiet, and caught a sh*tload of fish. Yeah, you should have continued to do that. But instead, after Yul first threatened, and later saved your butt, and you jumped ship YET AGAIN... you started getting cocky all over again. You know... Yul didn't pick you because he liked you the most, he picked you because you were the least liked on the other tribe, and therefore the easiest to peel off. You should be thanking him for giving you an extended life, not marching about and feeling smug as if you have a whole new slew of friends in your back pocket. Uh, because you don't.

So, aside from general cluelessness, I don't now what the heck Jonathan the Rat was thinking when he decided to play the spoiler during the auction. Okay, so you win lots of food and get to eat. That could just be good money management. But then you bid up items you aren't that interested in, or don't need, just to screw with everyone else? Yeah... that's not earning you any brownie points. And then you lay around camp afterwards, complaining to everyone how full you are, and how thirsty that hot dog and pizza and beer made you... while your new-found friends exited the whole experience without getting a single bite of food? Are you cruel, or just stupid? I vote "D": All of the Above.

Anyway, Jonathan got an entire episode just about devoted to him. That should help his ego nicely. In the meantime, I'm thinking that Yul might be catching a bit of Jonathan's "Big Man on Campus" bug. He's much more diplomatic, of course... but I think he may have alarmed his good buddy Becky when he started going off about how he didn't want to piss the members of the jury off too much, because he wanted to be sure to get their votes over whomever he was up against in the final two.

First of all, it's a bit early to be predicting that you'll be in the final two, no matter how many secret immunity idols you have hidden in your knapsack. Secondly, you're chatting with the person you've essentially promised that you're taking with you to the end... and you're telling her how you want to manipulate the jury to be sure you get the votes instead of the person that's with you? If I'm Becky, I'm simultaneously pissed that Yul is already trying to grab at the votes, and concerned that he's yammering on about this as if he doesn't assume that Becky will be in the final two with him. Eather way, I guarantee that that conversation sent red flags up all over for Becky.

So what do I think? I think Yul want to take the dirty rat Jonathan all the way to the end with him, assuming that no one will ever throw a vote Jonathan's way. But if Yul steamrollers over everyone that's been loyal to him in the process, he may find that the check may not get handed over to him quite that easily. Funny thing about people, then often remember the most recent betrayal as opposed to the greatest betrayal. If Yul boots out Becky, Ozzy, and Sundra in order to keep Jonathan around... Yul may end up looking more like the rat in their eyes.

And what do you think? Is Yul going to keep Jonathan around as a human shield to take all the shots fired from the jury? That could make things interesting!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Aitu wins reward
Aitu wins immunity
Candice on Exile Island
Rebecca voted out 6-1
Jenny voted out 4-2


Well Adam has a new spring in his step now that Candice is back sharing his campfire. I guess it's a good thing that he got rid of Jenny when he did, because she certainly wasn't too happy about how quickly he rejoined forces with his want-to-be girlfriend. Time to circle the wagons and get the tribe to work as a team however, because Candice has a HUGE target on her back and the remaining Aitu is going to make Adam snuggle solo again if they get their way.


(Tribal Immunity)

Well, a bit of seething anger towards a former tribe mate seems to bring out the best in Becky. Not that she wasn't doing her part before, but she's definitely operating as a full member of the team in all the challenges.


Hey Candice, did you ever see that "Far Side" cartoon with the bear with the target-shaped birthmark? Yeah honeybun... I think that's you. I mean, you had all kinds of courage to step out during the mutiny offering... but you had to know that your abandoned tribemates were going to instantly hate you. Two trips to Exile Island kind of proved that point. Well, you have Adam in your corner. Let's hope you have Jonathan and Parvati and Nate too. Because if those four from Aitu make it to merge, they are going to drive you right off that island, or make it incredibly uncomfortable for you to stay.


Well Jonathan, your instincts were right to roll up your sleeves and work like a dog once you arrived as low man on the totem pole at your new tribe. But the thing about you, is eventually you're going to get tired of being the only one working so hard, and you're going to start snapping at everyone again and then they won't like you. And then they'll vote you off. I know it's hard to be their dad and their friend... but this is for a million. You'd better find out a way to carefully walk that line, or they're going to vote the disapproving father-figure right off the island.


Nate! Dude! You're all alone with all the whitey's! How did that happen? Well, Parvati still digs you, but I think Adam, Candice, and Jonathan are going to be pretty tight. I hate to be the one to point out "Which one of these things is not like the others", but you'd better hope your tribe's luck changes, or that you merge with the more diverse group and they welcome you to their side... because otherwise the odds just aren't in your favor for staying much longer. I know... no one trusts Jonathan. But he's working like crazy around camp, and you aren't exactly challenging him for "hardest worker". You'd better jump to the other side, or start packing your things. Otherwise, you're going to be in the jury box really soon.


(Tribal Immunity)

Ozzy, you just impress the hell out of me. You pretty much carry your team. Not that Yul is some kind of slouch, but it's always the amazing head start that you provide for your team in the challenges that helps them to keep scoring the victories. I personally think you should win this whole thing... but everyone that has depended on you up to this point is going to view you as a threat once the merge happens. So keep reminding everyone how horrible it was for Candice and Jonathan to mutiny and keep the focus off yourself. Then quietly keep winning every challenge until you walk home with the prize.


Pavarti has always been a little bit of a wild card. She certainly is a big help in all of the challenges, but she is hard to pin down as far as who she's really loyal to. Now that her original tribe has reassembled, minus flaky Flicka, you would think she'd jump back in line with them. But she does love having Nate around, and may not be too hip on tossing him away if they have to make another tribal vote. Either way, she seems pretty safe right now. But she better start thinking out a few steps and decide which way she wants to go to keep herself in this game.


(Tribal Immunity)

Sundra has stepped up to the plate ever since they lost Candice and Jonathan in the mutiny. Good thing her team is working so well together, because I'm afraid if they do have to make a vote, that it will be against you. Not that you haven't done your share, but Ozzy and Yul are too valuable to lose, and Yul will never vote against Becky. So you guys keep doing what you're doing... otherwise I'm afraid that you will have to the the sacrificial lamb for Aitu.


(Tribal Immunity)

Yul is still a big strong guy... and he sure knows how to flirt with the local ladies! Looks like they all had quite a crush on this guy, given the amount of attention he got! Yul is still in the sweetest spot. If he can make it to merge, he's got strength of his own to do well... plus Becky and Ozzy on his side AND the immunity idol. It's going to be hard to get him off the island. I'm anxious to see what happens if the tribes merge, because up to this point Yul has been such a calm gentlemanly kind of guy. But he's really angry at Candice, and I wonder if he'll have words with her. Maybe he'll just be like my dad, and tell her that he's "very disappointed in her." I always hated that.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Okay, first of all... I've been a bit out of pocket lately, so haven't exactly been keeping up with the goings-on of our Survivor friends. I'm recovering from a bout of Hepatitis A. Yeah, that's right... Hepatitis. Who knew you could still get such a thing? And I didn't even get to travel anywhere exotic and eat any interesting foreign delicacies either. But I'm finally beginning to feel more like myself, and figured I'd pick up the keyboard and get back into the swing of things.

Anyway, not that you tuned in to hear about all that, but I guess since this is a blog I can mumble to myself now and again. So I'm not so sure I'll be recapping what all went on when I was wrestling with the big bad Hep A, but let's see what's been happening lately...

So kudos to Mark Burnett and Jeffy for mixing it up a little bit the last couple weeks, eh? First a Mutiny (can't say that it was the right thing to do for Candice and Jonathan to jump on that opportunity, but we'll get into that later). Then there was the super extended version of the Jury. And tonight, a double vote-out. Guess the folks back at the office were all sensing that we were getting kind of bored with the same ol' thing every season.

But you know that things were going to go badly when Candice and Jonathan turned their back on their tribe and abandoned ship to join Raro. There is just no way that a move like that isn't going to send red flags up all over on both sides. I mean, even if by some way you get to make it to the final two, what jury member is going to give the big check to someone that clearly will bury their own tribe as soon as the have an opportunity to make things better for themselves? I just don't think that anyone will forget that move, or think of it in a positive light, if it's time to award someone the money.

Now, granted... both Candice and Jonathan are still here. Raro seems happy to have Candice back, like she was a little sister they'd been missing the entire time. And Jonathan, after receiving a much cooler welcome, has wisely been working his ass off since he hit the beach. But the trust just isn't there. Who knows, my crystal ball is in the shop and I have no future-telling talents of my own... maybe this all works out super lovely for them both. Certainly Adam is happy to have Candice back in his camp. They're picking back up right where they left off, and it's sunggle-bunny central on their side of the shelter. And by the looks of next week, there's real romance a happenin'! FINALLY! Don't they know that half of us tune in just to see some sort of romantic/sexual tension form between tribemates? I mean, what is the point of having young attractive folks running around in swimsuits and buffs if there isn't a little flirt going on to entertain us?

But amidst the blooming of young love, Aitu is kicking Raro's butt. Blue-buffed ones... do you not see that your competition has bonded in the face of a common enemy. And thy enemy's name is "Candice"? If there ever is a merge, Candice is going to be sacraficed very early on. Only then will the remaining members of Aitu be able to sleep at night without grinding their teeth in thinly veiled rage. In the meantime, their anger has made them strong. Luckily they haven't been castaway on Cloud City, or they may be lured by the dark side of the Force. (Did I just make a Star Wars reference? I must still be a bit ill... sorry 'bout that.)

I'm thinking there was definitely a Karma thing that came into play when Candice disrupted things when she mutinied (and brought slow-thinking, impulsive Jonathan along with her). They've been beaten mightly by Aitu ever since, and I think only now after their tribe has been shrunk to even less than it was before the mutiny, that things may even out a bit. But now their left with the original Raro tribe, just swap in Nate for Flicka. Hmmm... I wonder how comfortable Nate feels now that he realizes he's the lone "non-whitey" on the tribe? Raro kind of resembles a reversed double-stuft Oreo, don't you think?

Either way, everyone there is Jury bound. The existing members of Aitu will never forgive Candice, and she'll never get a vote from them. Anyone that gets voted out before Candice on Raro will resent that she took their spot, and she'll never get a vote from them. And no one is ever, or was ever, going to vote for Jonathan. So they are just both playing for face time and whatever 15 minutes of fame they will get out of this experience.

So who do I think is going to win at this point? Well, given the recent twists, who knows what might be in store for our little Castaways. But who do I think should win? Ozzy. He's the true Survivor here. Let's just hope that he's given a chance to get to the point of individual immunity, and I think he'll hold his own fate in his hands.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Standings Before Episode 7

Aitu wins reward
No immunity
Cao Boi voted out 6-2
Cristina voted out 4-2
Nate Kidnapped

(Voted for Cristina)

Gosh Adam, no one seemed very happy with your lack of tact regarding Cristina's irritating personality. I mean, everyone seemed to agree she was irritating, but for some strange reason they all thought you crossed a line when you actually mentioned out loud that she was irritating. I'm not sure I understand that, other than it's just another reason to put a target on someone and keep the attention from themselves. What they should be more concerned about was the fact that Candice was blowing kisses to you all during Tribal Council. They're not going to want to see you two pair back up together come time for a merge, so they may decide to kick your butt to the curb before that can happen.

(Voted for Cao Boi)

Wow, little Becky showed her strength during that challenge, didn't she? She attacked the girls on the other team with everything she had, and was certainly stronger pound for pound than most. And she was wise to steer clear of Cao Boi's mumbo jumbo. Jenny earned her keep this week, both on the strategic and the physical front. Good girl!

(Voted for Jenny)

Brad is a lover, not a fighter. He hates to say a bad word about anyone. That's a very nice characteristic to have, but in this game it's going to get him chewed up and spat out. He was the only person on his tribe to not vote against Cristina, and that may have folks take a second look at him when they get back to camp. If he is going to be easily swayed by every emotional argument, then the rest of his tribe won't feel that they can predict what he's going to do... and they might just get rid of him to eliminate the concern. I don't know... do nice guys finish first in this game?

(Voted for Cao Boi)

What's with all the blown kisses during Tribal, Candice? Are you taunting, or are you flirting? Either way, you've got Adam's attention... and unfortunately you probably got the attention of everyone else at Tribal Council too. They are going to assume that you two are working together if you keep behaving like that. But on the other hand, you were just fierce in the challenge, and no one can do anything but give you full credit for being hard to beat during that whole competition. I'm glad to see you and your alliance all stuck together. It would have been a quick downward spiral for you if you hadn't.

(Voted for Cristina)

Jenny just plugs along... works hard, fights hard, but is still nice back at camp. I don't know why her name came up at Tribal, other than as just a random alternative for Cristina. I'm glad Jenny stayed, though... it was the right decision. She's much better at this game than Cristina, and the right castaway went home.

(Voted for Jonathan)

Poor Flicka. I don't think she's made a decision for herself even once. She's always swayed by someone, and then ususally finds that she's still behind the latest news, and just ends up sitting on a limb alone somewhere. She's going to miss Cao Boi, and unfortunately for her, has probably become the next target for her tribe simply because she is so unpredictable. Now is the time to start talking up what a physical threat Ozzy is, because if she doesn't shift the focus off herself, she's going home soon.

(Voted for Cao Boi)

Yeah, Jonathan... I have to agree with the other girls around camp. There is something vaguely creepy about you. You certainly have an air of superiority about you. But more than that, you behave as if you aleady know what everyone is up to, and that makes folks uncomfortable. You need to be more of a man of the people I think, as opposed to the "natural leader". You've got a strong alliance right now, but they did waiver a bit regarding you... and next time they might not waiver back in your favor.


Oh no! Natenapped! I don't know why exactly the Aitu tribe picked Nate to drag over to there side during Tribal, but he certainly enjoyed the vittles. Eat now, and figure it out later is what I always say. You always have to be concerned when you're taken to the other side, and "contaminated" by the other tribe, if your orignal tribemates will welcome you back when you return. As long as you bring lots of juicy gossip back with you, I think you'll be okay.

(Voted for Cao Boi)

Ozzy is the man. He is clearly so superior to everyone else out in this environment, it's just silly. But he shouldn't have tipped his hand so far this early in the game. Although his tribe is happy to partake in all of the yummy fish that he is providing, they know damn well that he's gonig to skyrocket to the top if they let him make it to the merge. You should have reined it back a little bit, big fella. Now everyone knows how powerful and strong you are, and they're just going to want to get rid of you. I truly hope they don't, however... because I'd really like to see how he does. I think he could win this thing.

(Voted for Cristina)

Parvati kind of flew under the radar this time around. Usually she's bright and bubbly and has the spotlight on her at least at some point during each episode... but we didn't see her much this time. She does a good job of knowing what seems to be going on with how everyone in her tribe is thinking, but hasn't yet been targeted by anyone as a threat. I don't quite know how you're doing it girl, but it's working for you. Keep it up!

(Voted for Cristina)

I think Rebecca was happy to be rid of Cristina. She may not have been the one that spewed it all out at Tribal Council, but she was certainly one of the ones most bugged by her bossy ways. She's another one that has just stayed off the radar. She's smart, and thinks strategically... but is obviously a good contributor around camp because no one has viewed her as a threat or put a target on her back. I think she's one of the longshots that may go far in this thing. We shall see....

(Voted for Cao Boi)

Yeah, Sundra... if you just vowed your alligence to the big alliance in your tribe, you'd better stick right with them for the time being no matter what. You may not trust and like Jonathan, but right now he has your back, and that's worth holding on to. Stick close to the alliance of five that you're in, and only when you get to the point where you have to begin feeding off each other to you bring out the "Jonathan is creepy" trump card.

(Voted for Cao Boi)

You know what? I'm not sure if it's editing, or if this is the way he really is... but Yul just seems to get more and more wishy-washy every week. I know the vote didn't go this way, but why he even entertained Cao Boi's crazy plan is beyond me. I mean, it was two of his alliance members going up, in an effor to flush out the immunity idol that HE had! That's just bad all around, but he didn't put a stop to it right away. And he's making the girls start to question Jonathan? Jonathan has his back! You can't mess with that! Well, whatever... in the end he did the right thing. But he sure did enough flipping around in the meantime to make me a little less impressed with him.

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