Yul Wins!


Sole Survivor
Who do YOU think is going to win Survivor: Cook Islands?


  • Yul 63%
  • Ozzy 24%
  • Parvati 7%
  • Adam 5%
  • No one else received votes

The tribe has spoken, and there is one less castaway on the island. Who went home this week?

(Final Three)

(Final Three)

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury




How come every season we get at least one person that just decides to give up. I mean, the odds are so far against you that you will even MAKE the show, that if you are lucky enough to get picked, you should give it all that you have every day to try and win that prize. Last week Stephannie offered herself up to go, and for whatever reason her tribe didn't take her up on it. And then this week, all she had to do was stay quiet and go with the flow of the tribe, and she wouldn't have been touched. But instead she starts hinting she'd like to go home and get some mashed potatoes? Huh? Girl, you've got your whole life for mashed potatoes. When are you going to be in the running for a million dollars again? Oh, whatever... go home, enjoy your taters and gravy. I hope they're worth it!

You may have been surprised, J.P., that you were sent home. But that whole strategy of reclining back by the fire and telling everyone else what to do, and making sure you got a daily afternoon nap... was never going to get you far in this game. And you weren't even that strong in the challenges, and actually pointed that out to you tribe during Tribal Council. Yeah, I'd have to say there are serveral things you might choose to do a little differently if you had it all to do over again. But you left with class, and without a harsh word... and that's always nice to see.

Well Cecilia, I'm not convinced there was a lot you could have done to stick around. It was just one of those things, someone had to go... and there was more fighting done on behalf of Becky than there was for you. If you know you were in such danger, I imagine you would have campaigned a little harder... but I'm not sure it would have changed things. Enjoy the rest of your time relaxing in the South Pacific!

Billy, Billy, Billy. What exactly is going on in that little head of yours? I have to say, I never saw it coming. You certainly have the distinguished honor of delivering one of the most memorable little speeches in Tribal Council history. I'm all for wearing your heart on your sleeve, but you might want to just doublecheck the fabrication factor of your love affair before you announce it to the world. Your tribemates first thought you were lazy, then they were convinced that you were crazy. Hopefully the heavy metal world will welcome you back with open arms, because I think you've spooked just about everyone else out.

Our first castaway voted off the island. Sorry Sekou, your leadership skills were viewed as lacking by your tribemates. You still went out with a smile though, with no hard feelings. And you have an amazing career and life back at home! This was just a little diversion.

Jeff, you've got to get yourself a new hat, buddy. That one that you've been wearing to all of the challenges is looking a bit ratty. Have Julie Whats-cha-ma-Berry go get one for you. People are starting to whisper that you're trying to hide some hair loss. Hey, snaps on the inmmunity challenge! It was much fun to watch 8 grown adults try and balance on a little bittie platform for the chance to continue on in your little social experiment. Let's really blow this thing out and see what people will really do for the chance to win a million dollars. Let's have some ethically questionable challenges in the last half... like, first tribe to draw blood from the other wins immunity. First tribe to eat rat poison wins immunity. Come on... it's season 13! Time to push the envelope a bit. Everyone has forgiven you for the whole racial segregation thing, they'll forgive you for putting contestants in mortal danger for the sake of ratings. I mean... eventually, anyway.

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Okay, first of all... I've been a bit out of pocket lately, so haven't exactly been keeping up with the goings-on of our Survivor friends. I'm recovering from a bout of Hepatitis A. Yeah, that's right... Hepatitis. Who knew you could still get such a thing? And I didn't even get to travel anywhere exotic and eat any interesting foreign delicacies either. But I'm finally beginning to feel more like myself, and figured I'd pick up the keyboard and get back into the swing of things.

Anyway, not that you tuned in to hear about all that, but I guess since this is a blog I can mumble to myself now and again. So I'm not so sure I'll be recapping what all went on when I was wrestling with the big bad Hep A, but let's see what's been happening lately...

So kudos to Mark Burnett and Jeffy for mixing it up a little bit the last couple weeks, eh? First a Mutiny (can't say that it was the right thing to do for Candice and Jonathan to jump on that opportunity, but we'll get into that later). Then there was the super extended version of the Jury. And tonight, a double vote-out. Guess the folks back at the office were all sensing that we were getting kind of bored with the same ol' thing every season.

But you know that things were going to go badly when Candice and Jonathan turned their back on their tribe and abandoned ship to join Raro. There is just no way that a move like that isn't going to send red flags up all over on both sides. I mean, even if by some way you get to make it to the final two, what jury member is going to give the big check to someone that clearly will bury their own tribe as soon as the have an opportunity to make things better for themselves? I just don't think that anyone will forget that move, or think of it in a positive light, if it's time to award someone the money.

Now, granted... both Candice and Jonathan are still here. Raro seems happy to have Candice back, like she was a little sister they'd been missing the entire time. And Jonathan, after receiving a much cooler welcome, has wisely been working his ass off since he hit the beach. But the trust just isn't there. Who knows, my crystal ball is in the shop and I have no future-telling talents of my own... maybe this all works out super lovely for them both. Certainly Adam is happy to have Candice back in his camp. They're picking back up right where they left off, and it's sunggle-bunny central on their side of the shelter. And by the looks of next week, there's real romance a happenin'! FINALLY! Don't they know that half of us tune in just to see some sort of romantic/sexual tension form between tribemates? I mean, what is the point of having young attractive folks running around in swimsuits and buffs if there isn't a little flirt going on to entertain us?

But amidst the blooming of young love, Aitu is kicking Raro's butt. Blue-buffed ones... do you not see that your competition has bonded in the face of a common enemy. And thy enemy's name is "Candice"? If there ever is a merge, Candice is going to be sacraficed very early on. Only then will the remaining members of Aitu be able to sleep at night without grinding their teeth in thinly veiled rage. In the meantime, their anger has made them strong. Luckily they haven't been castaway on Cloud City, or they may be lured by the dark side of the Force. (Did I just make a Star Wars reference? I must still be a bit ill... sorry 'bout that.)

I'm thinking there was definitely a Karma thing that came into play when Candice disrupted things when she mutinied (and brought slow-thinking, impulsive Jonathan along with her). They've been beaten mightly by Aitu ever since, and I think only now after their tribe has been shrunk to even less than it was before the mutiny, that things may even out a bit. But now their left with the original Raro tribe, just swap in Nate for Flicka. Hmmm... I wonder how comfortable Nate feels now that he realizes he's the lone "non-whitey" on the tribe? Raro kind of resembles a reversed double-stuft Oreo, don't you think?

Either way, everyone there is Jury bound. The existing members of Aitu will never forgive Candice, and she'll never get a vote from them. Anyone that gets voted out before Candice on Raro will resent that she took their spot, and she'll never get a vote from them. And no one is ever, or was ever, going to vote for Jonathan. So they are just both playing for face time and whatever 15 minutes of fame they will get out of this experience.

So who do I think is going to win at this point? Well, given the recent twists, who knows what might be in store for our little Castaways. But who do I think should win? Ozzy. He's the true Survivor here. Let's just hope that he's given a chance to get to the point of individual immunity, and I think he'll hold his own fate in his hands.

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