Yul Wins!


Sole Survivor
Who do YOU think is going to win Survivor: Cook Islands?


  • Yul 63%
  • Ozzy 24%
  • Parvati 7%
  • Adam 5%
  • No one else received votes

The tribe has spoken, and there is one less castaway on the island. Who went home this week?

(Final Three)

(Final Three)

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury

On The Jury




How come every season we get at least one person that just decides to give up. I mean, the odds are so far against you that you will even MAKE the show, that if you are lucky enough to get picked, you should give it all that you have every day to try and win that prize. Last week Stephannie offered herself up to go, and for whatever reason her tribe didn't take her up on it. And then this week, all she had to do was stay quiet and go with the flow of the tribe, and she wouldn't have been touched. But instead she starts hinting she'd like to go home and get some mashed potatoes? Huh? Girl, you've got your whole life for mashed potatoes. When are you going to be in the running for a million dollars again? Oh, whatever... go home, enjoy your taters and gravy. I hope they're worth it!

You may have been surprised, J.P., that you were sent home. But that whole strategy of reclining back by the fire and telling everyone else what to do, and making sure you got a daily afternoon nap... was never going to get you far in this game. And you weren't even that strong in the challenges, and actually pointed that out to you tribe during Tribal Council. Yeah, I'd have to say there are serveral things you might choose to do a little differently if you had it all to do over again. But you left with class, and without a harsh word... and that's always nice to see.

Well Cecilia, I'm not convinced there was a lot you could have done to stick around. It was just one of those things, someone had to go... and there was more fighting done on behalf of Becky than there was for you. If you know you were in such danger, I imagine you would have campaigned a little harder... but I'm not sure it would have changed things. Enjoy the rest of your time relaxing in the South Pacific!

Billy, Billy, Billy. What exactly is going on in that little head of yours? I have to say, I never saw it coming. You certainly have the distinguished honor of delivering one of the most memorable little speeches in Tribal Council history. I'm all for wearing your heart on your sleeve, but you might want to just doublecheck the fabrication factor of your love affair before you announce it to the world. Your tribemates first thought you were lazy, then they were convinced that you were crazy. Hopefully the heavy metal world will welcome you back with open arms, because I think you've spooked just about everyone else out.

Our first castaway voted off the island. Sorry Sekou, your leadership skills were viewed as lacking by your tribemates. You still went out with a smile though, with no hard feelings. And you have an amazing career and life back at home! This was just a little diversion.

Jeff, you've got to get yourself a new hat, buddy. That one that you've been wearing to all of the challenges is looking a bit ratty. Have Julie Whats-cha-ma-Berry go get one for you. People are starting to whisper that you're trying to hide some hair loss. Hey, snaps on the inmmunity challenge! It was much fun to watch 8 grown adults try and balance on a little bittie platform for the chance to continue on in your little social experiment. Let's really blow this thing out and see what people will really do for the chance to win a million dollars. Let's have some ethically questionable challenges in the last half... like, first tribe to draw blood from the other wins immunity. First tribe to eat rat poison wins immunity. Come on... it's season 13! Time to push the envelope a bit. Everyone has forgiven you for the whole racial segregation thing, they'll forgive you for putting contestants in mortal danger for the sake of ratings. I mean... eventually, anyway.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Standings Before Episode 6

Raro wins reward
Aitu wins immunity
Jonathan on Exile Island
Stephannie voted out 7-1

(Voted for Stephannie)
So if it is Adam’s strategy to just fly under the radar until the final merge, he’s doing one heck of a job. I mean, we see him a little bit… but he’s not sticking his neck out there, or doing anything outrageous. When all the other guys are lying about, he is too. When all the other guys are working hard, he is too. When everyone is going to vote for J.P., he does too. When everyone is going to vote for Stephannie, he does too. I’m not saying it’s a bad strategy, it’s just hard to know how much of it is actually strategy, and how much of it is that he’s just not a very strong player, and only knows how to follow someone else’s lead. This eventually becomes an individual sport though, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if he can step up to the plate by then.

(Tribal Immunity)
Well, Becky is making a career out of being the small light one that they throw about in the challenges. Last week she was dragged through obstacles while shackled to a rope, this week she had to be one of the little ones stepping across the moving stepping stones. But other than that, she sure lays about a lot, reveling in the safety of her alliance. I think she had better offer a little bit more than that, otherwise she’s going to get booted as soon as things get rough. The strongest move she made though was allying with Yul early on. But that alone is not going to get her to the end.

(Voted for Stephannie)
See Adam.

(Tribal Immunity)
See Becky. But add an air of superiority.

(Tribal Immunity)
Wow, this guy is just lucky that his tribe hasn’t been to Tribal Council anytime lately, because he would have been shown the door a long time ago. He really offers next to nothing in the day-to-day activities of the tribe… just non-stop story time, which I think everyone would be happier without. He made everyone at Raro tribe thankful that they live an island away from him, after he gave them a sample of his meandering never-ending yammering… about who knows what. He’s quite the character, but I think his tribe believes they have enough character, and they can do fine without him. Surely he will be the next to go.

(Voted for Stephannie)
Girl, your tribe just got rid of someone because they viewed him as bossy, and yet you stepped right into his shoes and started barking orders right where he left off. Are you ignorant??? You are just lucky that Stephannie fell on her sword, AGAIN. Because no one wants to be stranded on a small deserted island with a know-it-all.

(Voted for Stephannie)
I like Jenny. She works hard, keeps her head down, avoids the drama... and yet is pretty observant of what's going on in the tribe around her, and what she should do to keep herself safe. She's going to want to align with one of the guys though, because she's going to need someone in her corner with some physical strength if she makes it to the merge. Psssst. I suggest you sit down with either Adam or Brad. They're both plyable, and seem to like having someone to tell them what to do.

(Tribal Immunity)
Hey Flicka. I like how you like to jump right in and mix it up a bit, but if you decide to taunt the other tribe during a challenge, you might not what to be the one that ends up letting loose of the rope and sealing your tribe's fate. And what's with this desire to explore this other island, and then discovering that it's the locatoin of the other tribe? Didn't you used to BE part of that tribe, Flicka? Isn't that the island you used to live on? Hon... I know they all kind of look alike, but you've only been on two of them. Nothing run a bell for you before you stumbled on their camp? Man, I hope one of the challenges isn't a memory game. You'll be toast.

(Tribal Immunity)
Poor Jonathan... sent back to Exile Island to look for an idol that is no longer there. Kudos to you for announcing it to everyone though. Considering the fact that the guy that has the idol is in your alliance, you maybe should have chatted with him a bit before you announced to everyone the the idol has most likely been found. It's not going to take a genius to figure out that SOMEONE in your alliance probably has it. Ah well... hindsight, blah, blah, blah.

(Voted for Stephannie)
Nate and Adam were looking kind of cozy during the reward challenge. Clinging on to each other, grabbing at each other... all sweaty and hot. No wonder Brad dropped his weights. But you sure woke up with a renewed work ethic after J.P. got sent home. But it did as you hoped, and got the ladies attention and respect. I think they'll keep you around now... especially Parvati.

(Tribal Immunity)
Poor Ozzy. He's probably the most prepared and physically capable guys out there... and he's stuck in a default alliance of Cao Boi and Flicka??? I'm quite sure this is not how he pictured it going. He needs to get over to that power alliance of four, pledge his loyalty, and make a case for them to trust him and protect him... otherwise he probably won't make it to the merge. And I think this guy will be tough to beat once it comes to individual effort.

(Voted for Stephannie)
Hmmmm... what to say about Parvati. Well, she seems to be walking the line between the girls and guys of her tribe pretty well. Both sides talk to her, neither side distrusts her. She's got the flirty thing going on with the guys, and the whole "being female" thing going on with the girls. But she doesn't seem to DO a whole lot around camp, does she? I guess that's working for her now, but she kind of seems like a floater, and I don't know if anyone will risk themselves to save her if it comes down to a choice in the near future.

(Voted for Stephannie)
Rebecca is quiet, observant, and smart. She's playing this game really well so far, and is strategically on top of things. As long as she doesn't do something to draw attention to herself, she seems to have a knack for staying one step ahead of things and keeping herself in a good position. She's got a strong ally in Jenny, and the two of them should not be underestimated.

(Tribal Immunity)
Sundra did the smart thing by sticking around camp and getting closer to the Big 4 alliance instead of going on the whole Flicka/Ozzy/Cao Boi boon-doggle. She can float around all she wants after the merge... but if she wants to GET to the merge, she better stick with the other four.

(Tribal Immunity)
Yul... last week you were less than stellar in the puzzle challenge, and this week you were the first to drop your load of bricks in the reward challenge. Come on! You've been hyped up to be the strongest all around player in the game, and you're stumbling a bit here. And now, if anyone out there has been paying attention, they have to be assuming that you've got the hidden idol. You're still positioned pretty, but you're not as unbeatable as I originally though.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Day 12

Raro Tribe

The boys are all up early, nervously brushing their teeth with little bamboo sticks while the girls all sleep in. The boys are anxious... their leader J.P. got voted out the night before. They look like little chipmunks with the sticks in their mouths, gnawing away distractedly as they wonder what they can do to be less vulnerable now that the girls are in the clear majority.

Nate looks at the sleeping girls. "What you ladies sleeping for? I'm not a hater but what they do all day?" Yeah, whatever Nate. Twenty-four hours ago you were lolling about while the ladies swept camp and made breakfast. New morning, new perspective... eh?

So the nervous chipmunk men decide to do something to demonstrate to the ladies how very valuable they are. Brad trots off to catch some fish, Nate goes and enthusiastically gathers some firewood, and Adam goes out and sweeps clean the rocks. What? Wait.... oh, he goes searching for some crabs. Whatever, he looked like a French Maid there for a minute, dusting off the rock face. Whatever Adam, just keep moving and look busy.

The girls stretch awake, drink their coffee, read the paper. They giggle at how hard the guys are working. That's right guys... you're showing THEM. Just keep working your fingers to the bone and show those girls who is boss.

Aitu Tribe

Sundra, Becky and Candice lounge on the beach catching some rays, and inspecting each other’s underarms for growth. Oh what they wouldn’t do for a razor right about now. Cao Boi grumbles about the lazy girls, and threatens that they’ll be going home soon if they don’t start contributing. But we all know that Cao Boi is going to do something irritating every hour on the hour and keep the target firmly placed on his back… so he can grumble all he wants, but it probably won’t amount to much.

It’s tree mail time, and it’s something about strained spicy pears. Oh wait, no… it’s about pairs straining to win spices. Whatever. The survivors brush the sand off their butts and trudge off to the challenge location, a big circle area that’s been cleared in the middle of one of the islands for the challenge de jour. For some reason I keep wondering how they cleared all that land into such a precise circle shape. It’s sad when I’m more interested in the behind-the-scenes prep work for the challenge, as opposed to the challenge itself.

Reward Challenge

Jeff is waiting there for the Survivors, wearing that same goofy straw cowboy hat that’s beginning to look a little worse for wear. Far be it for me to give fashion advice, but he should at least try donning a Crocodile Dundee or Indiana Jones inspired hat, as opposed to the wicker cowboy look. Just my two-cents.

The tribes arrive, and Aitu gasps with pleasant surprise to find out that physically strong J.P. got voted out of Raro at the last tribal council. You know they’re all wondering, “Why the hell…?” but then shrugging their shoulders and figuring that Raro’s loss is their gain.

So here’s the challenge. Something new for once! Each tribe must break down into three pairs, and each pair must stand on a box with one arm around each other, and the other arm holding a rope with a hook on the end. Every two minutes, members of the opposing tribe will grab a pair of 5-pound weights, and load them on whichever pair they would like. The tribe with the last pair standing, without dropping their weights, wins reward. And Jeff… what is today’s reward? Why, it’s additional fishing supplies, spices, and wine! The Survivors all do the happy dance when they realize they may be getting wine tonight. We viewers get happy too, because there are few things more entertaining on this show than tipsy castaways. Also, as usual, the winning tribe will get to pick someone from the losing tribe to go to “there ain’t no idol there no more” Island.

The tribes strategize for a moment, and pick their pairs. For Aitu, the weight-bearing pairs will be Yul & Jonathan, Sundra & Candice, and Ozzy & Flicka. For Raro, the pairs are Nate & Adam, Rebecca & Stephannie, and Cristina & Brad. That leaves Cao Boi and Becky to be the weight loaders for Aitu, and Parvati and Jenny for Raro.

The challenge begins, and Raro spreads the weight around, while Aitu targets Nate & Adam to carry all of the weight. During the waiting periods between each new load of weights, the tribes start heckling each other. Flicka, “roller derby is as much a mental game as a physical one” starts first when Nate says to his tribe, “They’ll be wine tonight!” And Flicka, ever the clever girl says, “They’ll be whine-ING!” Everyone laughs and mutters about what a harsh comment that was. What? That’s clever and harsh? Was that not the most obvious comment ever? No matter… everyone is now in awe of Flicka and her smart mouth. She blows kisses to the crowd.

Time passes, weight is distributed, intense dramatic music is played… suddenly, for no good reason that I can see, Yul lets go of his rope and he and Jonathan, the strongest pair for Aitu, are out of the competition. Yul, honey…! It’s holding on to a rope, that’s all! You’re an “ultimate fighter”, you play water polo… but you can’t hold on to 30 pounds of weight? I’m so disappointed in you. Sit down. You’re in time out.

Rebecca and Stephanie then drop their weight (surprising no one) and now Raro is down a pair as well. Sundra starts struggling, and Candice, her partner, tries to encourage her to keep holding on… but she gives up and lets the weight drop. Candice, clearly forgetting that morning’s earlier bonding experience over armpits, looks clearly disappointed and annoyed and doesn’t offer the token, “It’s okay, you did your best,” that Sundra is hoping for. Instead, Candice flops down with thinly veiled disgust to await the end of the competition. This leaves Ozzy and Flicka alone to compete for Aitu.

Flicka decides this would be a good time to flaunt her heckling techniques some more, and starts taunting Cristina who is showing signs of weakening. “Ohhh, she’s gonna drop it, I see her drop it… na, na, na-na, na, na….” Cristina replies with, “Mind over matter.” And Flicka, obviously drunk with the power of her own ranting responds, “The power of the mind is a dangerous place to wander.”


It doesn’t matter… it’s time for more weight, and with only one place to go for Aitu, Flicka suddenly silences once the new weight is applied and she herself starts struggling mightily. Over for Raro, Nate and Adam are struggling while holding 30 pounds each, and they start grabbing at each other to try and anchor themselves better. There’s grabbing and groping and grunting and sweating… and it might be kind of erotic if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s Nate and Adam.

Suddenly, over on the Aitu side of things… Flicka, weakened by all of that taunting, is losing grip of her rope. She struggles and squeals, and tries to get a better grip. The music builds, Flicka strains… and OH NO! She lets go of the rope. Sorry Flick. All talk and no holdy-the-ropey, spells a loss for your tribe.

Raro wins reward, and gets to send someone to Exile Island. For whatever reason, they decide to send back someone that has already gone, and they pick Jonathan. Jonathan gives a wave, and wanders off, and then Raro does the happy dance around their newly acquired spicy strained pears.
Day 13

Raro Tribe

The tribe is slow to wake, most likely due to the two empty wine bottles that are lying about camp. We didn’t get to see any stumbling or bumbling castaways, so they must have all been nice well-mannered drunks. Adam suddenly shows up, back from an early fishing expedition. He has… an octopus stuck to his foot? Yep, yep… yes he does. The thing is holding on for dear life, despite getting poked more than a couple times with a fishing spear. Somehow the poor guy is finally removed from around Adam’s ankle, and now everyone knows that octopus will be the main feature of today’s menu.

Cristina jumps into action, quickly ordering everyone around to gather things so she can begin creating a five-star meal. “YOU, go get me coconut. YOU, go boil some water. YOU, go get me some crabs.” Did Cristina not see last week’s episode? This tribe really has no tolerance for pushy people.

Jenny, just like last week, is the first to squawk. She reluctantly helps wash off a knife and cutting board at the edge of the water, as Cristina squats down clean the octopus next to her. Jenny heads back to camp as Cristina, for some unknown reason, submerges the pan containing the octopus in the shallow water… and as it tends to happen on the beach, a small wave almost immediately comes in, and washes half the octopus meat out into the ocean as it recedes.

Cristina immediately starts crying for help. “Help, help! The octopus is washing away!!” Brad comes down to try and help her retrieve some of the scattered pieces, while Cristina tries to tell him that she thought that Jenny was right there to help, and that’s why things when so badly. Ummmm… so the fact that Jenny wasn’t right there is the reason you decided to dunk the octopus meat in the water? So, Jenny was supposed to stop you from doing something stupid like that? Is that your point?

Adam goes down to assess the damage, and see how much of the Nike-sucking octopus they have lost. Again, Cristina is pointing fingers everywhere but herself… “Uh, I thought Jenny was right here, I couldn’t do this by myself… blah, blah, blah.” They managed to get all the meat back, but then Adam wandered back up to camp to tell the rest of the tribe what happened and how Cristina was trying to blame Jenny for the fiasco. The reaction, as you might imagine, was not positive. Almost immediately, you can tell the individual tribe mates are trying to determine if Cristina spells her name with a “C” or a “K”, and if she includes an “h” in her name… because they want to get it right when they write her bossy, octopus-dropping name down at the next Tribal Council.

Aitu Tribe

Our happy campers wake up and start wandering about camp. Flicka has decided it’s a good day to explore, and tries to recruit others to go with her. Ozzy is in, because he feels their island is getting “short on resources” and that they could use a fresh boost of supplies from another location. But when Yul is asked, he replies that he thinks he’ll spend the day trying to catch chickens. Ozzy asks Candice, but she is very, very, busy braiding her hair, and also turns them down. Cao Boi of course is going… because Cao Boi is up for anything. Sooooo… it’s the strong trusting/respecting alliance of four staying put, the three stooges Flicka, Cao Boi, and Ozzy going on an explore, and then Sundra who stands alone. The stooges approach Sundra to see if she would like to join them. “You want to come? It will be four of us,” Cao Boi asks. Wow… this is like totally one of those conversations with such a dual significance. Because, like, there’s the four that are staying that are in an alliance, and then there’s, like, the three that are going that are like in an alliance… and then there’s like Sundra, who’s like TOTALLY in between the two alliances! Whoooooa. Like, if she stays or goes can, like, totally signify not only what she wants to do today, but like how she’s probably going to ally herself and like vote. Coooool.

Sundra is no dummy, and stays put with the strong and smart alliance, and lets the other three toddle off on their adventure.

Milliseconds after the tree stooges leave, Yul approaches Sundra and asks if she would consider allying with them. Sundra, again – no dummy, agrees. And now the strong trusting/respecting alliance of four have their fifth, and her word that she will not waiver and will vote with them going forward. Yeah. Like that’s gonna happen.

In the meantime, Ozzy, Flicka, and Cao Boi row across the lagoon to the mysterious “Other Island”. Ozzy finds some funky mushrooms, and informs the other two that they are very useful for first aid, and gathers some to take with them. Hmmm… this first aid isn’t administered through smoking, is it Ozzy? We’d better keep an eye on him next time he “cuts his finger.”

The trio are excited to be the first to explore this desolate, unknown island. They trek through the bush, look around, and discover… the Raro Tribe! That’s right, you guys paddled across the way only to stumble across the other tribe’s camp. And hey, Flicka… didn’t you used to live over here? I mean, didn’t you spend the first 10 days or so right here on this very island? Did you pay no attention at all while paddling home, and notice the proximity of your “old” island to your “new” island? No? Nothin, huh? Well, regardless of how it came about, there are the dregs of the Aitu tribe showing up unannounced on Raro’s beach. The members of Raro are not happy.

Adam might as well beat his chest and pee on all the trees the way he reacts to the visitors invading his territory. The invaders don’t notice or don’t care. They squat down at the campfire and make themselves at home. Cao Boi, in a very unexpected turn of events, starts on a story-telling jag. Brad and Jenny suffer flashbacks, and the rest of the tribe gets their first introduction to Cao Boi’s ability to talk forever and say nothing. When everyone’s eyes are glazed after untold hours of non-stop yammering, the Raro tribe finally maneuvers the chatting to a close. As Cao Boi says his goodbyes, he decides to go for the gold ring, and ask the Raro tribe if they would be willing to share some of the spices they won in the prior day’s challenge. Raro collectively looks at him as if he has gone mad, and Adam quickly speaks up and tells him that they worked mighty hard for them spicy pears, and they think they ought to just hold on to them. If Cao Boi was truly smart, at this point he would have plunked himself right back down and started up a new story. Those guys would have given him anything to get him to leave. But Cao Boi doesn’t and so there is no bargaining chip… and therefore no spices. Ozzy, Flicka and Cao Boi paddle back home with nothing to show for their efforts but a few magic mushrooms.

Exile Island

Jonathan is back on Exile Island. The last time he was here, there actually was still an idol buried somewhere in the sand… but it’s long gone now. All he has is the handy-dandy notebook full of clues to an idol that’s now safely hidden in Yul’s pocket.

Regardless, Jonathan takes a look at the latest clue to see if it will help him out:

To find what you seek,
a charm of great worth,
get in the right spot
and look deep in the earth.

Is it just me, or was this the least challenging “hidden idol” ever? I mean, they practically marked a big ol’ X on the ground with a sign that said “Dig Here”. Jonathan should be feeling dopey that he didn’t find this thing on his first visit. But now that it’s been completely spelled out for him, he’s off to do some digging.

There’s Jonathan, in a big hole in the ground, throwing sand over his shoulder. Ahhh.. there’s night vision of Jonathan, in a big hole in the ground, throwing sand over his shoulder. There’s Jonathan, the next morning, in a big hole in the ground, throwing sand over his shoulder. JONATHAN!!! It ain’t there no mo! All gone! It go bye-bye!

Ah, whatever… you’ll figure it out sooner or later.

Day 14

Immunity Challenge

Jeff is there, waiting for the castaways at the site of the latest hamster maze that has been built for them. Wha… what’s this? Jeff is wearing a ball cap now instead of his silly straw cowboy hat. Jeff, have you been reading my blog?

Jonathan returns, and after some pointed questions by Jeff, tells that he looked all over for that idol where he thought it should be and couldn’t find it, and that he’s sure it’s not there anymore. Yul grimaces, and wishes that Jonathan would shut his pie hole.

Jeff then begins explaining the elaborate set-up that the survivors will soon be racing through. First the tribes have to put together tree stepping poles that will be used to transport two of their tribe members between two platforms in the water. Once both are across, the entire tribe must climb on top of the second platform, and once they are all there they can jump back in the water and swim to a third very small tower further out in the water. The first team to get all of the tribe members up on the top of the tower, with both feet on or above the top deck of the tower wins. The teams get all twittery and anxious, and then with much ta-doo, Jeff screams “GO!” and they are on their way.

Everyone races to the beach and starts assembling the stepping poles. Aitu is in the water first with their poles, and Raro follows shortly after. Jenny starts across the poles for Raro, while Flicka starts making it across for Aitu. The teams plod through, inching the girls along to the next platform, and then run back to get their second girls. Raro starts the second leg with a bit of a lead, as Parvati starts across. Aitu goes back to get Becky. Aitu makes up some ground by increasing the distance between the poles, and both girls hit the second platform at about the same time. Parvati his it for Raro, and then all the rest of the tribe clambers up the second platform, and then leaps off… splashing and swimming for the tower. Becky hits the platform for Raro, and they scramble up and down to close the small gap they are trailing by.

Raro starts climbing up the tower, and gets everyone to the top, but fall off into the water before everyone can get their feet up on deck. Aitu is now leading, and they squeeze up to the top deck one by one, while bunching on to one another in an effort to keep their balance. It looks like some twisted erotic version of Circ du Soleil, with arms and bodies and legs all entwined on top of this itty, bitty deck. Finally, the final foot pulls up and finds a spot for Aitu, and they win immunity.

Now that they all know each other so intimately, the members of Aitu launch off the tower, and then jump all over one another in the water in celebration. Raro collapses off the tower after their failed attempt, and just look wet and miserable while standing in the water. Sorry guys… but if it makes you feel better, this was one of the more entertaining challenges to watch for those of us here at home.

Raro Tribe

After woefully trudging back to camp after their loss, the tribemates all check in with each other and confirm that they are going to vote out bossy Cristina after the whole octopus fiasco. She is annoying everyone, and they’ve all decided they’ve had enough.

Nate and Stephannie go to get water, and check in with each other to make sure their vote is the same. Stephannie confirms with Nate that she’s down with voting out Cristina, and is just happy that it’s not her or Nate. And then, stupid Stephannie, makes some goofy comment about how she could easily see herself going home and getting some mashed potatoes and gravy. Wha…? It’s a strange comment, but Stephannie is a strange girl… and it should have just stopped there. But noooo…. Nate goes back to camp, and tells Adam and Brad how Stephannie was wishing for the chance to go home and get some taters and gravy. Now, that’s not exactly what she said, but it’s a reasonable story, and they all start jumping on the bandwagon about how Stephannie has obviously already given up mentally, and should be sent home. Hell… the week before she took the blame for losing the immunity challenge, and told her tribe to send her home, but they didn’t. And now, they clearly had decided to send someone else home, and then Stephannie piped up and said it wouldn’t break her heart to go home and enjoy some real food.

Hmmm… Stephannie may have not meant for it to come out that way, but at the same time she is clearly not ready to ride this pony all the way to the finish. So whether she meant for it to go this way or not, the target slips off of Cristina’s back, and positions itself on Stephannie.

Brad starts telling his version of what he heard from Nate to Parvati. Parvati, ever the direct one, goes right to the source and asks Stephannie if she wants to go home. Stephannie kind of laughs it off, and just says things were taken out of context… and tells Parvati that she does want to stay. However, she delivers it with zero conviction… so I’m thinking that Stephannie is dreaming of mashed potatoes again even as Parvati is trying to help her. Yeah, bossy Cristina… looks like it’s your lucky day.

Tribal Council

The parade of torches arrives, and they all take a seat around the fire.

Jeff: Adam, your tribe totally sucked in today’s challenge. You’ve lost two in a row, you talentless goofs. What do you have to say for yourself?

Adam: Get off my back, man! We’re doing fine. We communicate really well. Just today Nate was telling me how Stephannie begged him to take her home and cover her in mashed potatoes. I mean, the communication lines in this tribe are OPEN. We’re cool.

Jeff: Brad, you seem to kiss everyone’s ass equally. Do you have no pride, man?

Brad: Everyone deserves a good ass-kissing now and again. It’s my job to spread the love. Why don’t you bend over, Jeff… and I’ll give you a little something too.

Jeff: Stephannie, why don’t you have any friends? And why the hell do you spell your name with two n’s?

Stephannie: I choose to have no friends, Jeff. Friends are useless baggage, and they just get between me and my mashed potatoes. I’d just as soon that the world be wiped of all human life. Uh, I mean… all human life except for you all. All human life, except for you eight lovely people. You all haven’t voted yet… have you?

Jeff: Whatever, Steph… what about the n’s?

Stephannie: Oh, I just do that to screw with the people that put me in their blogs, so it makes their spell check go apeshit.

Jeff: Nate, you all got rid of J.P. last week because he was bossy. We’ve had cameras on you guys 24/7 and there appears to be a new Bossy Betsy in your camp. Why don’t you confront her now and make her feel really uncomfortable?

Nate: Cristina is a bossy bitch. She treats all of us like her little deputies, and makes her fetch her slippers and pipe and crap like that. We hate her. We talk about how much we hate her every day. We just didn’t tell her because we didn’t want to hurt her feelings… but now that you asked, Jeff, I must say it as it is. Cristina is a pushy bossy know-it-all, and she makes crappy coconut octopus soup. There, I’ve said it.

Jeff: Cristina, do you feel like crap now?

Cristina: (sob, sob, sniffle)

Jeff: Adam, do you think your tribe has been completely honest here today?

Adam: Well, if we’re being completely honest, I have to say that I really enjoyed the challenges the last few days where Nate and I have had to grope each other in order to “win one for the team”. I’m thinking that Nate and I should get pinned now, because we’ve certainly gotten to first base with each other, and are actually probably rounding second. Oh yeah, and Cristina totally is a bossy bitch. But I thought she knew that.

Jeff: Rebecca, since we’re all being honest, do you have anything to say?

Rebecca: Yeah, I steal things from the set of “The View” all the time. If you were to go into my apartment, you’d find tons of stuff from make-up and wardrobe, one of Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s homemade immunity headdresses, some leftover girdles from Star Jones, and one of Barbara Walter’s Emmys. Oh yeah, and Cristina is totally a bossy bitch.

Jeff: Fair enough. Time to vote.

Survivor music. Trudging to the voting area. Writing names down. Saying “it’s not personal,” even though it is….

Okay, time to count the votes.


Jeff: Okay, you all clearly hate Cristina, but have decided to vote Stephannie out instead. Sucks to be you Stephannie. Sucks to be you Cristina. You all can head back to camp.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Standings Before Episode 4

Aitu wins reward
Aitu wins immunity
Adam on Exile Island
J.P. voted out 7-2

(Voted for J.P.)
Adam got sent off to Exile Island, where there was no hidden idol. He didn’t get any extra camera time, because who wants to watch someone did around for an item that’s not there anymore? And he didn’t even get to be exempt from Tribal Council. His luck just isn’t what it used to be. He got so little camera time, that we didn’t even see how he found out about the J.P. vote to climb on board. I don’t know, Adam… you seem to be fading into the background a bit. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re still in this game.

(Tribal Immunity)
Becky is happy that her alliance with Yul, Candice, and Jonathan is still strong and intact. Plus she’s got Yul looking after her with his secretly acquired bonus immunity idol. This girl is in good shape. But she was still the one with the target on her back from the non-alliance folks in her tribe, so they don’t seem to think she has a lot of value. She’d better prove them wrong by kicking things up a gear in cast there is dissention in the ranks in the near future.

(Voted for J.P.)
Well Brad… look at you! You had no problem turning on your bud, J.P., and I assume convincing Adam to do the same. Well this kind of puts an end to our romance watch, however. If you two were pairing up at all, I would think that this vote put an end to it in more ways than one. But in terms of the game, you should be sitting well. The girls trust you, and the only one that wasn’t with you on this vote was Nate. And Nate has bigger things to worry about, now that he’s suddenly found himself out on a limb by himself.

(Tribal Immunity)
Candice came home from Exile Island without the idol, and with her tribe suddenly asking her pointed questions about why she thinks she was sent away from the danger of Tribal Council. That wasn’t exactly the welcome home she was looking for. She better reassure her alliance of Yul, Becky, and Jonathan that she’s not somehow trying to play both sides… because she’s going to need them. The rest of her tribe seems to inherently distrust her, and by the look of the previews she’s not going to be impressing them any more next week.

(Tribal Immunity)
Cao Boi, you do get some stupid ideas, don’t you? Your tribe has more fish than they can eat, and you decide to climb a tree looking for eggs “just because”. Well, I’m glad the baby bird incident got your attention, and you realized the error of your ways. Let’s just hope that mama bird got right back on that nest and everything turned out fine… because I don’t think you impressed anyone with that whole deal. I think your erratic ways keep you on everyone’s radar as the next potential target to be voted out. You better hope that your team keeps winning challenges and stays away from Tribal, because otherwise I think you’ll be going home.

(Voted for J.P.)
Cristina just kind of always goes with the numbers. It’s currently keep her there week to week, but she’s never going to win a million this way. She’s looking for everyone else to look out for her and direct her what to do. Right now with some many people milling about, it’s not been that big of a deal. But if she wants to make it to the merge and beyond, she better start being a lead player in this game instead of an extra.

(Voted for J.P.)
Jenny was quick to realize that Rebecca had a strong point when she suggested the power play for the Raro ladies. She is pretty good at looking at the right moves to make for the long term, but at least to this point had keep the target off her own back. Now that the ladies have numbers, they won’t be picked off one by one by the guys. But Jenny better show some strength in the challenges if she wants people willing to keep her along for the long haul.

(Tribal Immunity)
Wow, what a difference a week makes! No Tribal Council means no tough decisions for Flicka this time around. She’d better decide though if she wants to side with Jonathan and company in the future though, because that alliance has the strength in the tribe, and she’s may need them in order to stay around. She doesn’t shy away from hard work though, and I think that’s going to gain her approval from the tribe in general. Don’t underestimate the value of a strong work ethic.

(Tribal Immunity)
Who knew Jonathan had such a soft heart? He almost started crying when the baby bird got ejected from his nest, and was the one that seemed to be the most concerned that it get returned. Maybe he should show that soft side a little more to the rest of the tribe, and he might gain more trust from the tribe members that aren’t in his alliance. They still need one more on their side to have a clear majority in any upcoming visits to Tribal, and he’s got to be perceived as a little less manipulative and a little more honest for the rest of the tribe to want to work with him.

(Voted for Stephannie)
Well, Nate sure didn’t see the vote going the way that it did. Now the only other person that voted the way he did is off the island, and Nate’s sitting alone wondering what happened. For his sake, hopefully the tribe will realize they can’t afford to lose anymore muscle… but with the girls in the majority, who knows what will happen. He better snuggle up to Parvati for comfort and safety, and to be in on the decisions next time instead of finding out about them at Tribal Council.

(Tribal Immunity)
Well, Ozzy may be a better player than I initially gave him credit for. Despite getting burned at last week’s Tribal Council, he gave 100% to his tribe in both challenges, and was a big part of why they won both times. Not to mention, he’s keeping them well fed by catching a ton of fish back at camp. He may want to let the twist in the wind and fend for themselves after turning on him, but he obviously realized he’d be on the next vote out if he chose to act like that. This guy is a strong player, and as long as he works with the team until the merge, he can easily be one of those standing in the end when it becomes an individual game.

(Voted for J.P.)
I’m not sure Parvati is positioned very well in her tribe. She’s obviously viewed as the least trustworthy by the girls, and she’s tightest with the one guy that was left twisting in the wind. Nate can’t be happy with her, the girls have them at the bottom of their list… and unless she starts cuddling up with Adam or bonding with Brad, she doesn’t have anyone really watching her back. And our last remaining romance ember, the potential with her and Nate, most likely got cooled beyond repair when she changed her vote and didn’t let Nate know. No tribal romances? This season is just SO disappointing.

(Voted for J.P.)
Rebecca is one of the smart ones. She saw it was going to be now or never in terms of mobilizing the girls, and she just made it happen. And she was able to get everyone swayed with enough momentum, that they brought Brad and Adam over with them. At the same time, she doesn’t seem to be ruffling anyone’s feathers. She’s just seeing what the right moves are to make, and bringing her girls along with her. I hope she makes it to the merge, because I think she’ll be a strong competitor til the end.

(Voted for J.P.)
Okay, so Stephannie retracted her “I’m the weakest link” speech after she gave it, and ended up staying on thanks to fancy footwork by Rebecca and friends… but the fact that she even gave that speech and encouraged folks to just send her home, means she actually deserves to go. I totally understand Rebecca’s move to protect the girls’ numbers, but keeping Stephannie around actually weakens the tribe and everyone knows it. Stephannie seems to have a good heart, but I just don’t think it’s in this game to the extent that it is for some of the others. She should go home.

(Tribal Immunity)
Sundra’s tribe was safe this week, and so therefore was she. However, she’s in a vulnerable position, and doesn’t have a lot of security in her favor the next time the tribe visits Tribal. The best thing she can do is to encourage more crazy and irritating behavior from Cao Boi to keeps everyone’s sights set on him. Otherwise, Sundra is outside of the strong alliance within her tribe, and she’s not viewed as a big contributor or a strong player. She’ll be lucky to make it to the merge.

(Tribal Immunity)
Yul has an extra insurance policy in his back pocket in the form of the immunity idol, as well as what he hopes is a strong alliance within his tribe. As has been true since day one, he’s one of the strongest out there, and the one best positioned to win. The one thing that puts him at risk, is that he’s very trusting, and very loyal… and if anyone should start perceiving him as a threat and then turn on him, I doubt he’ll ever see it coming. But once again… he’ll have secret immunity on his side if that happens. So back to my original comment… he is the one best positioned to win.

Overstock.com, Inc.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

J.P’s Exit Interview

On Friday’s “The Early Show”, J.P. was interviewed about being voted off of Survivor.

They showed some clips of him lounging around the camp, burping, napping, and telling others what to do. J.P. laughed as he watched the clips. He admitted that all of that happened, but it wasn’t exactly an accurate portrayal of how much he truly did around camp.

When asked if he was surprised when he got voted out, he laughed and said he was totally surprised, and thought the tribe was set to vote out Stephannie. He said he didn’t necessarily want Stephannie to go, but he agreed to it because she identified herself as the weakest link, and it was the group consensus that she should go. (Until they changed their mind and decided to vote for him instead, of course.)

They then asked him about last week’s “Secret Scene” that was shown during Cecilia’s exit interview. In that scene it showed J.P. and Cecilia flirting, and snuggling up together at night. He was asked if he and Cecilia had something going on.

J.P. said, “With all that curvaceous goodness, how could I not flirt? She was the epitome of a hot, sexy, Latina!”

Hmmmm… what does this do to all of the J.P. & Brad dating rumors? I guess J.P. is an equal-opportunity kind of guy.

Now it was time for J.P.’s “Secret Scene”, and we hoped it would shed some light on these Brad/J.P. rumors. But alas, no… it was only footage of J.P. limping around, because I guess he has some serious problems with his feet. They had got cut up pretty badly and had become infected, and he was having to wrap them in cool leaves to soothe them. Poor J.P. I guess he’s happy to be home now where he can wear warm, dry, cotton socks for his footsies.

J.P. said that playing Survivor was an opportunity of a lifetime, and he would always remember it. Then he gave a shout out to his volleyball club back in Long Beach, and he was sent on his way. See ya, J.P.!


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Night 8

Aitu Tribe

The tribemates shuffle back to camp after voting Cecilia out at Tribal Council. Ozzy is quiet, not saying much… while Yul whispers to Sundra about how much the whole experience sucked. I mean, that’s nice to say an all, Yul… but it couldn’t have sucked that much since it went right according to your plan, right? Okay, just checking.

Later around the fire, Yul finds a hermit crab and offers it to Ozzy as a snack. Yul, you’re a smart guy, and I have all the confidence in the world in you. But is this your version of a piece offering? A hermit crab? As a midnight snack? Is this a valuable currency around camp that those of us at home are just not aware of?

Ozzy unemotionally turns him down. “No, I don’t like hermit crabs.” Which means, “No, I don’t like YOU, Yul… and I don’t want your stupid hermit crab snack or anything else you’re offering.”

Ozzy tells us that he’s upset, and feels like an outsider. Here all these people have moved into the camp that he and the original members of Aitu created, and as a big thanks for all that work… they voted the only other remaining member of that tribe out during their first joint Tribal Council. Ozzy is pouting… but very quietly, and only on the inside where no one can see. But he tells us that he doesn’t feel like playing with these people anymore; and he doesn’t want to find food for them any more; and he wished they never came to his island. Oh, the good ol’ days… when the only person he had to worry about was Billy.

Day 9

Aitu Tribe

Candice returns from Exile Island, waving from the front of the boat like a Homecoming Queen on a parade float. She tells everyone that she didn’t find the idol, but she must have found a pack of gum somewhere because she’s annoyingly chewing on something as she chats with her tribe.

Flicka immediately asks her why she thinks the other tribe sent her to Exile Island. Candice chews her cud, and says she figured it was because she was the youngest. Flicka pushes a little bit more, and suggests that maybe it was Parvati’s and Adam’s idea to send her there, to save her from being voted out at Tribal Council.

Candice starts stammering, saying, “Gosh, these are good questions… I didn’t even think of any of that, because I didn’t have time.” Really? You mean with being banished alone to a deserted island for two days and all… you didn’t have a spare moment? Interesting. Good comeback though… I’m sure you settled everyone’s suspicions with that.

Raro Tribe

The women are busily cleaning up camp… fluffing the sand, making palm frond curtains for the non-existent windows, and baking mud pies. The men are over by the fire, reclining, burping, and scratching themselves. It all reminds me of my family on Thanksgiving Day. Parvati is upset about the situation, but the guys could care less. They feel like they are all extremely safe because the girls all need them around to move rocks, and the guys are all in a strong alliance and will watch each other’s back. The most confident (and therefore laziest) guy of the bunch is J.P. He is absolutely, positively sure that he’s in a good spot. Those of us that have watched all previous 12 seasons of Survivor now know who is going home tonight.

Reward Challenge

It’s challenge time. Hooray, it’s challenge time! What will these goofy Survivors have to do next? It’s yet another previously-used challenge, where two tribe mates are clipped to a rope that is woven in, around, over, and under several obstacles, and the rest of the tribe must not-so-gently maneuver them through said obstacles to the end of the course. Once there, one tribe member must swim out to a buoy, and dive down and retrieve a huge decoder wheel that he must bring back so the teams can decode a “Survivor-related” message. The first team to finish and solve the puzzle correctly wins blankets and pillows.

The Aitu tribe chooses Becky and Candice as their rag dolls to throw about, while Raro chooses Cristina and Jenny. Jeff fires the gun, waves the flag, or whatever he does to signify the beginning of the challenge, and the teams are off. The girls get dragged, pushed, and thrown through the various obstacles. Raro’s strong rock-carrying men initially get a good start, but soon everyone gets tangled up in rope. Aitu catches up, and then passes them, and then sends Ozzy into the water to retrieve the decoder wheel. Raro limps through the challenge, but are far behind by the time they get their super-secret decoder ring.

Back at the puzzle table, genius Yul is less helpful then expected while deciphering the message, but eventually they sort it all out and figure out the message, “Last Castaways Back Cast One Away,” while Raro is still stuck trying to make sense of it all. Blankets and pillows for Aitu! Raro on the other hand loses the challenge, and loses one of its members to Exile Island. However this time the exiled person will be back in time for the immunity challenge, and will not be exempt from Tribal Council. Adam is the lucky duck chosen for the honor, and the rest of the Survivors trudge back to their camps while Adam is whisked away to Exile Island. We get no additional footage of Adam on the island however, because the idol isn’t out there any more, so who the hell cares?

Aitu Tribe

The victorious tribe returns, happy about their win in spite of Raro’s greater physical strength. Despite the threat he made to do otherwise, Ozzy is out fishing again, and gathering food for the tribe. He tells us how he feels secure because he is the biggest provider for the tribe, and surely they will keep him around because of that. Uhhhh… this is like the announcer’s curse in sports. As soon as you utter those words, you are destined to be voted out almost immediately. I’m surprised Jeff doesn’t show up on the spot, extinguish Ozzy’s torch, and say, “The tribe has spoken.” Really people… NEVER admit out loud that your tribe will certainly keep you around because you are the food provider. I little target appears on your back instantaneously as soon as the words leave your mouth.

Raro Tribe

The losing team shuffles home, still stunned that they lost despite their superior physical prowess. Everyone is a little shaken, except for J.P. who creates a Lazy-Boy from some driftwood, leans back, and starts telling everyone else what they should be doing around camp while he rests. J.P. is obviously more and more confident that he is a natural born leader, and in no danger of pissing everyone else off by his “do less – delegate more” approach to things. J.P. is obviously wrong.

That night, Parvati sidles up to Nate and asks him if the guys are all in an alliance together. Nate tells her that they are, and that it is pretty tight. Parvati starts telling him about her concerns with J.P. bossing everyone about, but Nate tells her that they should leave him be… and that he will look out for Parvati. Nate then tells us, as if we didn’t already know, that Parvati is hot and he has to watch himself… because he’ll start making decisions based on how hot she is instead of what’s right for him in the game. My gosh, we can only hope! This season needs some romance or something to spice it up!
Day 10

Aitu Tribe

Despite the fact that the tribe is rolling in fish as a result of Ozzy’s spectacular fishing skills, Cao Boi sees a bird’s nest in a tree and decides he’s in the mood for eggs. He skitters up the tree, and then pokes the bottom of the next to knock the nest and it’s contents out of the tree. (So the eggs can fall to the ground and break? Has he actually thought this through?) But to the horror of Cao Boi, as well as Jonathan that is looking on, and the entire viewing audience… the nest doesn’t contain any eggs, but instead a brand-new just-born baby bird.

Jonathan just about cries when sees what has happened, and runs over to retrieve the bird and cuddle it in his hand. Thank GOODNESS that Cao Boi actually feels horrible about what has happened, (given his track record, you never know what he’s going to think about things), and vows to make it right. They determine that the baby is still alive and okay, so Cao Boi skitters back up the tree, and Jonathan hands him the nest with the baby inside, and Cao Boi puts it back in place… much to the joy of the mother bird that has been beside herself since this whole fiasco started. Cao Boi crawls back down… a quieter, humbler, nail salon manager. The floating target slips off of Ozzy’s back, and settles on Cao Boi’s.

Immunity Challenge

The tribes arrive to find Jeff waiting for them, in his sporty straw cowboy hat. Adam rejoins his tribe. We’d all forgotten that he was even missing. It’s time to fight to the death for immunity. The tribes look vaguely bored.

This time it is a 12-step program, or 4-part challenge… one or the other. Four members of each team must first put together a puzzle stretcher, and then they must race with it to the beach. Then one of the four must swim out to a mast offshore, where another member of the tribe has been shackled. The tribemate must free the poor prisoner, and then both have to swim back to shore. The four must then place the released prisoner on the stretcher, and race back with her to the starting point. There, three other members of the tribe must build a fire to burn through a rope to release a banner to signify the winning tribe.

Got that? Good. They’re off! Adam, Nate, J.P. and Brad race with the stretcher for Raro, while Jonathan, Yul, Ozzy, and Flicka take it for Aitu. Raro hits the beach before Aitu, but Ozzy smokes past J.P. in the water on the way to the mast. J.P., more of a beach guy as opposed to a water guy, looks like he’s sitting still compared to Ozzy, Mr. Aquaman himself.

Ozzy releases Candice, and they start heading back. J.P. makes it to Parvati, and releases her… but they have a lot of ground to make up. Candice and Ozzy hit the beach, Candice is hoisted up on the stretcher, and Aitu races back to the starting point. J.P. and Parvati drag themselves to shore, Parvarti hops on the stretcher, and they are on their way.

Cao Boi is in charge of building fire for Aitu, so when the stretcher returns he begins his magic. He seems to try to make fire-building a performance art, and annoys his team by waving things around as he tries to make them catch fire. But they need not worry, because when the Raro stretcher arrives, we discover that they have decided to put the remaining ladies in charge of building fire… which consists of mainly the members of the original Hiki tribe. You remember Hiki? They finally got fire well after everyone else, and it still took them forever even after they were given flint and fire-making materials? Yeah, that’s them. They’re the ones put in charge of making fire here, along with Jenny who just manages to get her hand almost cut off as Stephannie wildly thwacks the machete about trying to get a spark. Needless to say, Cao Boi’s performance art is far superior in starting a fire than Stephannie’s machete wielding. Aitu gets their fire, and they win immunity.

Aitu Tribe

The sad, beaten team returns to camp. Stephannie tells everyone that she feels responsible for the loss, and that they should all vote her to go home. The men all perk up, and are happy to have it all settled. J.P. is so happy, he decides to take a nap.

They ladies however… not so happy. Jenny and Rebecca start talking, and they both wish that Stephannie hadn’t been so willing to roll over and play dead. If Stephannie, goes, the ladies are afraid they will be picked off one by one because they will no longer have a numbers advantage. They decide that they need to act now to preserve their advantage, and go talk to Stephannie to see if she’s willing to change her mind.

Stephannie tells them she regrets her little speech, and that she wants to stay. Cristina agrees to vote for one of the guys instead as well, and they all decide on irritating, bossy, thinks-he-owns-the-world J.P. But they need one more vote to ensure that he goes. They go to talk to the remaining girl. Parvati.

Parvati, for some reason we don’t understand, is unsure. She has to think about it. Even though she has been complaining and whining about J.P. all this time, now she’s not sure that voting him out is a good idea. So the girls, still looking for a vote, go to the next best thing and try to recruit Brad. Brad is unsure, and has to think about it too. Oh no, it’s time for Tribal Council and we don’t know which way everyone is going to vote! The suspense builds.

Tribal Council

Campfire time again… and still no one brings any marshmallows. The kiddies gather ‘round, and Ranger Jeff asks about their day.

“Is there a leader in this tribe?’ Jeff asks. No one speaks up. Jenny finally says, not really. J.P. is somewhat hurt that they aren’t singing his praises.

“Stephannie, should you go home since you screwed up the fire?” asks Jeff. Stephannie defiantly says that no, she shouldn’t go home… anyone of them could have choked and almost cut off Jenny’s hand, and she shouldn’t be blamed for their loss.

“Do you think that’s true, J.P.?” asks Jeff. J.P. generously agrees, that Stephannie shouldn’t be blamed. J.P. also thinks that everyone has agreed to vote for Stephannie, so he has nothing to lose by looking tolerant and forgiving of Stephannies sucky fire-building abilities. Just to take it to that next level of generosity, J.P. even offers that he sucked big time at the whole swimming-out-to-the-mast part of the challenge… and he could be blamed for the loss as much as anyone. Everyone else makes a mental note, and feels even better about the fact that they are about to vote him out.

Time to vote! Dramatic Survivor music builds… everyone trudges up and casts their votes. J.P. wonders if he has time for another nap while the voting raps up.

Tallyho time… and much to J.P.’s surprise, he’s won a one-way ticket to Limbo Land, where he gets to sit out the rest of his days, waiting for everyone else to finish playing the game. Sorry J.P. Good news is, you’ll have lots of time on your hands to lounge around and catch a nap.

Movielink, LLC

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Standings before Episode 4

Tribes merge into two:
"new" Raro and "new" Aitu.
Raro wins immunity
Candice on Exile Island
Cecilia voted out 5-3

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Well, Adam is now only one of four big strong guys on his new tribe. Not to mention, he was picked next to last when they were selecting new members… only one pick before Cao Boi for goodness sake. And as a final kick in the teeth, he lost his snuggle bunny Candice to the other tribe as well. Poor Adam. I’m not sure everyone else thinks he’s as awesome as he is convinced he is. He’d better get a handle on the whiney attitude he displayed last week if he wants to stick around for a while. His tribe doesn’t have to depend on him for strength anymore, and no one is going to have patience for a big ox like him throwing hissy fits. Play nice and help out, Adam. Otherwise, you’re going to have to sell a hell of a lot of copiers to see a million dollars in your lifetime.

(Voted for Cecilia) Aitu Tribe
Well, Becky lost no time scrambling around to get what she saw were the strong members of her new tribe aligned around her as soon as they merged. The bad thing is, she didn’t count on losing one of her allies to Exile Island, and then getting targeted by the rest of the tribe because she didn’t bother to get to know anyone else. You squeaked by this time, but you’d better start looking valuable to your entire team and not just your allies if you don’t want to be considered for elimination next time around.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Brad had his greatest wish granted, and is no longer trapped on an island with Cao Boi. And not only that, he’s now on an island with a handful of good-looking men that have no interest in wearing their shirts. Add a beach chair and a tropical drink with an umbrella in it… and he’s in heaven! Is there a romance brewing between him and J.P.? That rumor sure is swirling about. Lets stay tuned and see what kind of interaction there is between these two.

(Exile Island)
Aitu Tribe
Candice was stunned into silence when her new tribe members filled her in on Billy’s declaration of love at tribal council. There’s just no way to prepare yourself for such odd news, and she can only be grateful that Billy got enough votes to send him home. Otherwise, they could very well be sharing a beach. And just as she was recovering from that shockeroo, she got sent to Exile Island, the land of the no-longer-there immunity idol. Luckily, the members of her new alliance fought against the odds and were able to stay intact while she was away. Now she’s in a pretty good place, as long as that alliance stays true.

(Voted for Cecila) Aitu Tribe
Oh Cao Boi, you just don’t understand that the target on your back is growing every week, do you? I’m not sure he’s playing the same game that everyone else is. I’m not even sure he’s aware he’s still playing a game. Whatever. In his world, he is wise and funny and everybody is hanging on his every word. I’m sure the outcome of this crazy reality-TV social experiment isn’t high on his list of spiritual priorities. Luckily, he won’t take it too hard then when his tribe votes him the heck off soon.

(Tibal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Cristina, still the defender of truth, justice, and the American way-off-base. She defended Billy to the end, but now needs to set her sights on what’s going on in her new tribe. She’s got J.P. with her from their old tribe, be he seems to be aligning with the men. She better find some strong allies in her new environment soon, or she may be hung out to dry the first time her team has to get rid of someone at Tribal Council.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Jenny is most likely also thrilled to be away from the yammering of Cao Boi. It’s hard to tell if she and Brad will still look out for each other, or if their new tribe will split down gender lines. She and Cristina should look out for each other… because they each need someone in their corner.

(Voted for Cecila) Aitu Tribe
I admire Flicka’s willingness to tell it how it feels, but she’s going to wind up with no one watching her back if she keeps telling folks she on their side, and then changing her mind. Jonathan isn’t going to trust her anymore, and Ozzy is obviously mad about how the vote went. Flicka’s flame is going to burn out soon if she doesn’t pick a side and show some fierce loyalty towards it.

(Voted for Cecilia) Aitu Tribe
Jonathan was truly stunned when he discovered that Flicka’s support wasn’t a sure thing. But he pulled off a stellar performance when he realized he absolutely had to change her mind. Unfortunately, no one from his original tribe seems to trust him very much. And after slowing down in the immunity challenge, he’s going to be seen as a weak link. He’s gong to have to stay strategically ahead of everyone in order to stay out of danger.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
J.P. is on a strong team, and there are enough other potential targets on his tribe that he should be safe for a while. As long as he doesn’t do something outrageous to draw the wrath of his fellow castaways, I think he’ll be off the radar of most everyone… except for maybe Brad.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Nate is right there with J.P… strong and pretty easy going, he’s in a good spot on his tribe as long as he keeps contributing and doesn’t do something to draw fire. I’m sure he’s happy to have some other men-folk to hang out with, after being left alone with only women after Sekou’s departure. He should be able to ride out a couple more weeks without problem if he helps out the tribe and avoids any silly conflicts.

(Voted for Becky) Aitu Tribe
Ozzy is clearly mad that Cao Boi and Flicka changed their votes, and now he feels on the outside of what he thought previously was a pretty locked group of allies. Ozzy doesn’t take things lying down either, so I imagine he’s going to flare up back at camp over things not going according to plan. Ozzy puts a target right on him when he does that though, so he’d better be careful. Lucky for him, he’s got Cao Boi nearby to draw most of the fire from his tribe.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Parvati’s flirt strategy is fine and all, but when 50% of the men on your tribe are batting for the other team, that only gets you so far. Plus, the other girls on the tribe will have no tolerance for the flirt approach if it gets too outrageous. She better stick to the traditional approaches, contribute a lot and work your butt off! She’s too flighty to be considered a serious threat at this point, but she’s going to eventually need to bring more than charm to stick around.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Rebecca and Stephannie may not have been that tight in their original tribe, but I bet now that they’ve been thrown together in this new situation, their bond will strengthen. The girls have the numbers on the guys in the new tribe, and Rebecca has always been a good contributor to the tribe… so I think she’s in a strong position to stick around for a while.

(Tribal Immunity) Raro Tribe
Stephannie has the natural ally in Rebecca, but of the two she is probably the weaker competitor. She’s in a good spot initially with Rebecca’s support and the girl majority in the tribe… but she’d better bring it a little harder in the competitions if she’s going to have anyone fighting for her to stay in the near future.

(Voted for Becky) Aitu Tribe
Sundra has to be feeling vulnerable after the last minute change in the votes at Tribal Council. With Cecilia now gone, Sundra and Ozzy are out on a limb, and Sundra doesn’t have as most to offer the tribe as Ozzy. All she can hope is that Cao Boi’s outrageous behavior becomes too much for her tribe, and he becomes their target while she stays safe. She’s going to have to scramble for some additional allies though if she hopes to stay in the game much futher.

(Voted for Cecilia) Aitu Tribe
Has Immunity Idol Yul made a brave call by letting Becky know that he found the idol, and then almost had to use it to save her just a day later. Luckily, he was able to convince Cao Boi to change his vote, which says something positive about Yul’s negotiation skills. Yul has a knack for talking to people in such a personal and respectful way, that they really listen to what he has to say. Everyone has got to see what a strong player he is, and that is his greatest downfall. He can easily walk away with the prize, but everyone knows it… so sooner or later there will be a huge target on his back.

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